I came late in life to the game of soccer. I did not play the game in High School or any other competitive environment. I got involved as a parent of two children who played. My willingness to lend a hand and assist a coach eventually led to my becoming a coach. My passion and ability grew when my children began playing club soccer. It gave me a window to a different level of coaching which I sought to bring back to the teams I was involved with. I continued to coach my son's age group and was the Rivendell Middle School coach in 2009-2010. I followed with Rivendell Boys JV from 2011-2014. During that time I obtained by Level VI Diploma in 2012. I also took a referee course with my daughter to gain insight from the perspective of the referee. In 2015 I became the Rivendell Girls JV coach which I continue today. I was fortunate enough to be invited to be and Assistant Coach in the NH/VT Lions Cup game in 2016. In the past few years I have also participated in the selection process for the Lions Cup game. I enjoy my time spent with the team and coaching staff and look forward to this inaugural season at Rivers Edge Soccer Club.
2009-2010 RA Boys Middle School Coach
2011-2014 RA Boys Junior Varsity Coach
2015-Present RA Girls Junior Varsity Coach
2018 Rivers Edge SC GU-19 Assistant Coach
2012 Level VI Diploma
2016 Lions Cup Girls Assistant Coach
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